Video Search Intelligence

Find anything in your videos withAI-powered search

Our advanced visual and audio recognition technology lets you find exactly what you're looking for within any video.

Search Videos Like Never Before

Whether it's objects, sounds, moments, or context - our AI understands what's happening in your videos.

See examples

Video Search

Found 5 results (0.32 seconds)

School Sports Day Highlights

Team members in red shirts celebrating their victory

Timestamp: 01:24 - 01:42

Brand Launch Event

Three staff members in branded red shirts greeting attendees

Timestamp: 02:17 - 02:45

Visual Recognition

Our AI can identify logos, text, and objects that appear on screen with remarkable accuracy.

Example: Find scenes where automotive brands are displayed together

Audio Detection

Locate specific sounds within videos, even when they're mixed with other audio elements.

Example: Show moments with percussion sounds created by voice

Object Counting

Search for videos containing a specific number of objects or people interacting together.

Example: Find scenes with exactly three vehicles in motion

Iconic Moments

Instantly locate famous scenes from sports, entertainment, or historical events.

Example: Find the moment when a soccer player performs an unexpected headbutt

Product Recognition

Identify products and analyze how they're presented or compared in content.

Example: Show cosmetic product comparisons in beauty videos

Viral Content Finder

Locate trending clips without knowing their title or specific details.

Example: Find the video where an artist climbs his own painting

Historical Moments

Search for significant events in presentations, speeches, or demonstrations.

Example: Show the original iPhone unveiling moment

Action Scene Detection

Find spectacular moments from movies, shows, and entertainment content.

Example: Find superhero web-slinging scenes in urban environments

Fan Engagement

Discover entertaining highlights perfect for sharing with your audience.

Example: Show sports mascots interacting with famous musicians